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To find the vin number, look at the steering neck, and the top of the engine case. These are stamped into the metal (See attached reference photo's). On the steering neck, you will see a vin sticker, with a printed date. That date, is the date it was made in Japan. The bikes were often made a year earlier, so they would be ready to sell the following year. Do not assume the date on the vin sticker is the model year. Always go off of the vin number, to determine what you have. This USA models Vin chart data, was collected by Enduronut.

Yamaha Vin Chart (USA Models)

360CC Models
1970 RT1 Yamaha Black W/Yellow RT1-00101 to 08883
1970 RT1M Yamaha Black W/Yellow RT1-50101 to 52226
1971 RT1B Yamaha Black W/Red RT1-73101 to 75128 (Close ratio transmission)
1971 RT1B Yamaha Black W/Red RT1-09101 to 24820
1971 RT1MX Yamaha Black W/Red RT1-53101 to 55215
1972 RT2 Silver RT1-100101 to 124142
1972 RT2MX Silver W/Black RT1-185101 to 191618
1973 RT3 Baja Brown RT1-125101 to 150994
1973 MX360 Silver Dust W/Pastel Red 365-000101 to 009306
1974 DT360A Geneva Green 446-000101 to 027673
1974 MX360A Competition Yellow 365-020101 to 026897

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