Since about the turn of the century (remember Y2K ?), anybody that knew me, probably knew that I loved vintage Yamaha's.
Years came and went, and without fail, every year I would hear stories of fellow vintage motorcycle enthusiasts that were being given or inheriting old motorcycles that were no longer wanted. Undoubtingly there was more then once that I had muttered to myself . . . "I should be so lucky"
Well, it finally happened 😮
About a dozen years ago, my wife and I drove past her friends house, and I spied a very nice AT2 leaning up against a tree. So, next time I saw her, I mentioned I would be interested in acquiring the bike if she was ever inclined to sell it . . . She said something like, "Not in a million years . . or ... Not for a million bucks"
I promptly let it slip from my memory, as there was obviously no chance of ever owning it.
Last week, the lady friend called my (now retired) wife, and ask her "Would your husband still be interested in that bike, and if so, he can have it".
NOTE: >>> My wife almost didn't tell me ... Go figure
MY eyes lit up . . . why of course, I answered enthusiastically !!
When we got there, it was tipped over, under a hedge, about ten feet from were I had seen it leaning against a tree so many years ago. 😧
Obviously, it had been left outside this entire time.
What a shame I thought to myself . . . it was such a beautiful bike when I had first laid eyes on it.
After struggling to free it from the hedge branches that had grown up through the frame, it quickly became apparent that both wheels were locked up, and with both tires flat as well, I would be dragging this thing to my truck with great effort . . . Transmission and piston are stuck as well.
Oh well I thought again . . . "beggars can't be choosers" . . . at least it was all there!
It'll be a lot of work, but I do feel it's worthy of a restoration. 😃

That's going to keep you occupied for a bit !
That looks like something from Orange County choppers!
Funny and sad, I also own an AT that the owner said no way would they sell it, bought their triumph blazer for 50$ , ended up aquiring the AT 20 years later after they decided it was too costly to repair, same thing with my YZ 125, owner wanted too much for it, engine was locked up and in pieces, ended up getting it for free year or so later from the person who bought it
"My wife almost didn't tell me ... Go figure" 🤣
Think yourself very lucky Dave, it's been raining here in the UK so much lately, that's how a brand new bike would look if you left it outside for two weeks.
Could have looked like the ones I bring home !
You Sir are lucky to find a beaut like that !